'The Secret To Getting Ahead Is Getting Started'
Yeah, okay, whoever came up with that quote had obviously never had a whole semesters content to learn in two weeks. Or a whole two years worth of work to revise for 3 exams. Whatever you may be revising for, I feel your pain.I swear I am seeing revision cards, mindmaps and textbooks in my sleep. I am going to have highlighters coming out of my ears and sticky notes will be my next fashion statement because seriously- just how much effort is revision?
Every teacher I have ever met says that 'if you start early, you will find it a lot easier nearer the exam'. Good one. I'm pretty sure I could start my revision for my degree the minute I left the comfort of the womb and I would still be stressing - so to all the teachers out there, you're going to need to think of a new statement.
Even when I eventually do find the motivation to start revising, I swear my concentration lasts less than a child being told to stay still. It's just not happening. There's always something more interesting happening around me. Whether that be my two cats entering my room or cakes being made, anything and everything seems better than the dull task of revision.
Although, having said all of that, I am incredibly aware that I cannot just rock up to my exams having done no revision - that just wont happen either. So if I want to advance into year two of my degree without having to resit (and I couldn't think of anything worse), I better carry on with this new life that has been taken over by revision. Haven't we just been hotter than Ibiza last weekend? I wouldn't know, I'm stuck up in my room revising (partially because I cannot be bothered to carry everything outside to revise).
How do you guys keep your concentration when revising? I'd love to hear from you! And who knows- maybe we can all help each other smash these exams!
Keep revising! (Better listen to my own advice here!)
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