Monday, 7 May 2018

Hello World! ★

Hi there!

Wow - my very first blog post! Okay, I've got to admit, I don't actually have much of an idea as to what I'm doing if I'm honest, but I'm so excited!

Lets get to know each other, and I'll start off by telling you whilst I've decided to enter this strange world of blogging....

I've been thinking about starting a blog for the last few months, but have always put the idea off due to lack of confidence or 'not enough time'. Although, with the end of my first year of university rapidly approaching (more on that in upcoming posts), I've decided to finally take the plunge and put my love of writing to reasonably good use.

I'm a quiet and timid girl, who doesn't really speak much, and found that a way to express what I am feeling is through writing. And I am sure this is the case for many of you out there! 🙂

So that's a little about me, and I am sure you will gradually find out more as the posts progress! I can't wait to find out about each and every one of you!

I want this blog to be as interactive and user friendly as possible (bare with me as I navigate around this site!) so please don't be afraid to message me!

And remember - don't ever be afraid to be you!



#bloglife #blogalltheway #lifestyleblogger #noideawhatiamdoing #excitingtime


  1. Getting started is half the battle. Now it's all about sharing value with your followers. You Got This!:)

  2. very nice blog
